Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Flip Flop Fly Ball

Thanks to Jonco over at Bits & Pieces, I just ran across an incredible site. If you're like me and like sports AND statistics, you'll love this one. There are literally tons of good stuff here.. It's mostly Major League Baseball charts and graphs, but really a lot more. And a lot of it is stuff you would never think of.

That's what statisticians do - come up with new stats and comparisons that have never before been considered (or realized). I could seriously spend hours at this site. I almost just have!

Please click the pictures to get a closer look..

This is cool - I've always kinda visualized this in my head, especially with football team names, and not just NFL. There's a challenge for ya' Craig! Aw heck, I may just do it and send it to you.

This one blows my mind, and gave me goosebumps when it first hit me. There are obviously major sunset and predominant wind issues here, but what else? How incredible is it that all 30 ballparks are contained within less than 180º? Well it's pretty incredible.

Yeah the Baltimore Colts are in Indy, and the Ravens are in Baltimore. I always wondered why they didn't just give the new Baltimore team their old name, and force Indy to come up with a new one? Similar story with the Arizona/Phoenix (St. Louis/Chicago) Cardinals, the St. Louis (Los Angeles/Cleveland) Rams, and the soon-to-be Los Angeles (Oakland/Los Angeles/Oakland) Raiders. And how about those 1943 Phil-Pitt Steagles? Bet that's something you didn't know, unless of course you're from there, or over 75 years old, or both.

The NBA one I have in my head has got to be great too.

Circled in red is Mark McGwire's 33rd homer, which I happened to see live at the Astrodome in Houston. It went high into the left-center seats, which I'm still hitting myself for not getting. We took our chances on foul balls that night, sat up close but over just beyond 1st base, and yes we got a foul ball that day. No it wasn't autographed, and no I can't remember who hit it, but I do know my buddy's daughter was thrilled when Billy Wagner, who was then warming up, tossed it up to us.

And of course, you've gotta click here to go see the rest of Flip Flop Fly Ball by Craig Robinson. I'm thoroughly impressed!!

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