San Antonio Spurs are confirming to News 4 WOAI Monday that
Manu Ginobili played with a fractured elbow in the playoff series against the Memphis Grizzlies.
On April 13th in the final game of the regular season against the Phoenix Suns Ginobili
injured his right elbow. The Spurs initially announced that it was a hyper-extension, and then later announced that it was a sprain.
Spurs fans still believed that Ginobili was a fighter for playing with a sprained elbow, but what they did not know was just how much Ginoibli was fighting.
Ginobili recently told the Argentine website
Noticiasmdq.com that he fractured his humerus bone. But the Spurs told News 4 WOAI on Monday that Manu actually fractured his right ulna, which is the bone running from the elbow to the pinky.
Ginobili played 5 of the 6 playoff games against the Grizzlies with a fractured arm, and still lead the team with an average of 20.6 points per game.
“Last Wednesday I had an MRI with the San Antonio medical staff. The swelling has gone down and the small fracture is about 85 percent healed. I have to rest for about three weeks and then begin slowly," Ginobili Tweeted.
Ginobili chose to downplay his injury, while Boston’s Rajon Rondo was receiving a lot of
national media credit for his ability to play through a hyper-extended elbow.
We'll put this right up there with the
broken nose,
killing the bat, and the rest of the stories when we write the book about the
legend of
Manu Ginobili.
Stolen from WOAI Dot Com, and enhanced