Yeah it's a year-and-a-half old. And yes it's a medical facility. I doubt most companies would consider such a move, but the fact that any do - angers me. What's next? Will they start screening resumes for too much soda? Being overweight?
I once applied for a summer job at a park during college. They mentioned to me on the way out, "ohh and you won't be able to wear that earring - IF they decide to hire you."
I left having no intention to follow-up, as I'm sure they watched me leaving having no intention to follow-up. That was 1990 - I was 19. It was the first job I sought during college. It was also the only time I've ever been to a job interview with my earring in. Of course I know better now that I try to find something better than a $7 per hour thing at a park as a teenager, but the fact remains the same:
How far will companies go?
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