Generations of these birds have done this exact thing at my house for years. They literally build a nest the same exact way - in the same exact place - every single year. Not only that, it wasn't but just about 2 months ago that 3 babies hatched and finally flew away. This year they used the same nest twice, and this time there are 4.. Amazing!
I continue to learn more and more about the band that I've loved for 20+ years. Believe it or not, I just learned the existence of Mike Portnoy's Twelve Step Suite a few weeks ago. Just recently I also learned the following fact, when seeing what Wikipedia had to say about Six Degrees of Inner Turbelence:
In the song "Misunderstood", John Petrucci wrote and played the guitar solo, and then reversed it. He then learned how to play this reversed version, and after recording it reversed it once more. This resulted in a solo that sounded like his original solo but with a unique twist to the way the notes played. His use of such a technique was predated by George Harrison, on the Beatles song "I'm Only Sleeping". (Source)
When I first heard "The Red" on the radio in late 2002, I told a lot of my friends "this band is gonna be huge!" To this day this is the song that defines Chevelle, and more importantly I was right about them 10 years ago. Chevelle is one of about a half-dozen bands that I've made this prediction with. But for me it was my most important. They have gone on to kick butt with every single release, and nothing has disappointed.
There is also a song that may be one of my favorite songs of all-time. This song just happened to carry me through a lot of tough times during 2003, and beyond. It has lingered with me - forever, and I thank you Chevelle for this masterpiece: